Baby feeding: Trying to get it right
Bottle- feeding: Why it remains controversial
In Britain, in August 2007, the Department of Health announced that it was piloting the baby growth charts recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) with a possible aim of these replacing the charts that have been in use over the last two decades. So, what is the drive behind this?
There has been a clamour for sometime from many nutritional experts that the existing charts were fuelling infant over-
The WHO growth charts are based on breast-
Infant formula or artificial feeding is known to be more calorie-
Rates of breast-
The Norway baby feeding Experience
Norway’s apparent success in the area of breast-
Among other things, new mothers are entitled to 42 weeks of maternity leave with full pay. Also those returning to work are entitled to up to 90 minutes absence for breast-
Long- term issues for overweight babies
Anything that promotes excessive weight gain at any stage in life should be a cause for major concern. This is more so when dealing with young children who would not have a say in what they are fed but who will have to live with the consequences.
In the UK (total population: 60 million), over 1 million children under 16 are known to be obese. This is double the number just 10 years ago. The vast majority of these will be obese adults. The price that the individual and society in general pays for this is very high. It is difficult to know exactly in what proportion the problem starts with excessive bottle-